Student Loans
Student Loans
Get the help you need to pay for college or refinance your current loans.
No hidden fees. Competitive bank-beating rates. Easy online application. That’s just the short list of benefits built into USC Credit Union’s innovative private student lending solutions. Fill funding gaps between tuition and other educational expenses, refinance private student loans, or pursue a professional certificate – whatever your goal, ours is to ensure you focus on your education, not the cost.
Benefits at a glance:
- Financing for undergraduate or graduate students
- Complete one simple online application
- Pay no application or pre-payment fees
- Get competitive, bank-beating rates
- Cover the unexpected with optional Peace of Mind Protection
- Choose from a variety of flexible payment options
Why risk losing money to rising rates when you have the potential to save thousands right at your fingertips?1
- Refinance or consolidate your federal or private student loans
- Low fixed or variable rates
APR is accurate as of 3.28.2025
Rates as low as:
5.49% Variable
5.49% Fixed
Pursuing a professional certificate can be expensive. Our Certificate Program Loan is designed to help educators enrolled in one of USC’s Rossier School of Education Professional Development programs.
- Specialized loan program
- Loan amounts up to $10,000
APR is accurate as of 3.28.2025
Rates as low as:
5.90% Fixed
Fill funding gaps in lower-cost sources of aid with our innovative Student Choice private lending solutions. Fund your entire undergrad or graduate career with just one application.
- Unique line of credit loan
- Low fixed or variable rates
They offer the best rates on student loans for refinancing and their support center is always extremely helpful whenever I call with questions or issues.
Educational Resources
Let’s talk student loans.
Need help deciding on the best lending option for your needs? Talk to a member relationship specialist.
1Federal student loan payments and interest are set to resume no later than June 30, 2023, pending the outcome of legal challenges to the Biden Administration’s proposed federal student loan debt cancellation measures. For details on these measures, which are strictly tied to federal student loans and have no impact on private student loans, visit Carefully consider your options before refinancing federal student loans, as they will no longer qualify for current and future federal benefits once refinanced with a private lender.